Set of 4 items for measuring and drawing in a plastic pencil case with zipper.The set includes: 1 ruler with measuring range of 15 cm with the application of scales of measurement (millimeter and centimeter division) in cyan and with a hole in the shape of the English letters " A " with the inscription Assistance (help) and logo ZiBi 1 gon, 1 that forms a 90° angle and 2 angles of 45° with the application of scales of measurement (millimeter and centimeter division) green color and a hole in the shape of the English letter B with the words Believe (to Believe) and logo ZiBi1 angle that forms angles of 90°, 60° and 30 ° with the application of scales of measurement (millimeter and centimeter division) in pink and with a hole in the shape of the English letter C with the words Create (Create) and logo ZiBi 1 a protractor to draw and measure angles to 180° with 2 scales of measuring angles – obtuse and acute angles – coating purple color with a hole in the shape of the English letter D and words Dream (Dream) and logo ZiBi. Clear, abrasion resistant, seal. Material non – toxic transparent plastic.Packaging – plastic canister on bliska with vrods.
(Set "ABCD" 15cm Ruler 2 triangles protractor ZiBi 00000005754)