Business diaries
Business diary COLOR TUNES A5 line 25120
227.42 грн. 250.94 грн.
Datebook undated A5 288 pages 1637
545.06 грн. 601.44 грн.
Datebook undated A5 288 pages 1756
146.42 грн. 161.57 грн.
Datebook undated A5 CLUTCH 288 pages blue
169.30 грн. 186.82 грн.
Datebook undated A5 MOTHERLAND 288 pages green
169.30 грн. 186.82 грн.
Datebook undated A5 PRIMO 288 pages purple with grey
169.30 грн. 186.82 грн.
Datebook undated A5 ROMANTIC 288pp
169.30 грн. 186.82 грн.
Diary A5 blue 288с MATRIX BM.2043-02
169.30 грн. 186.82 грн.
Diaries from the online store Paley" is a required attribute of all business people
Absolutely every person tend to forget, and there is nothing to worry. However, business people planning important tasks, appointments, meetings, comings and goings, needs some way to remember everything. Miss an important day or forget about a major event the reputation will deteriorate, and for example, a compact diary is dated A6, could help to prevent such an awkward situation. For bag is concise the use of the diary is A5 format and as a table-top will be flawless and stylish – a diary A4. To choose for what purpose You use the paper products.
All important do not have to keep in mind
If people could remember all the details in their head simply would not be the place for new information. Do not forget, the Internet office supply store "Paley" offers you to buy business diaries at a low cost and with fast delivery within 1-2 days. Choose a beautifully designed planner from the catalog and make order it.
Three reasons to buy a diary
Consider the key benefits of this acquisition:
Why keep all the details in the head, if it is much better to record them in a diary? Just regularly browse and refresh in memory all the upcoming business events. You will no longer need to burden your memory, because everything is recorded in writing.
Don't be surprised, but recording information in a diary, you train its own memory. Why is this happening? The fact that many people have well-developed visual memory, and then fixing a specific event in writing, people will better remember ego. For this reason, many writers differ a brilliant memory and can remember thoroughly the subjects of their books.
Agree, much more impressive to store information in a leather or suede Buromax diarythan to write it on a small smartphone screen. Appliances at any time may be discharged, and compact business diary will be with you always.
- Business diary will not let you forget about important things.
- It improves memory.
- Solidity.
Browse our range of notebooks, choose any of them, make the order and within 1-2 days the diary will be in your hands!
Features and types
The range of diaries are so diverse that the buyer is very difficult opredilit with choosing the phone model that will be most optimal. In our online store provided with all the most important categories in terms of covers and materials, as well as the customer units and the paper from which they are made. Diaries A4, A5, A6 different format (size), and they can be both a and undated. The cover can be a simple cardboard to leather or faux leather. Also do not forget about such kind of a products as weeklies, where the scheduling of events sistematizarea not by days but by weeks. These parameters shall also be responsible for planning table. Its format involves the use of a table where you can briefly introduces memorable events and reminders on a specific day of the week. Also easy systematized information can be simple or alphabets alphabetical book of a certain format and quality of the cover.
The advantages of the Internet-shop "Paley"
Why stationery is profitable to buy in the Paley"? Consider the main benefits:
- lowest prices on notebooks in Ukraine: the cost of one unit of the product from 31 UAH;
- a wide range of business diaries: on sale right now has about 300 pieces in different colors and material;
- quick checkout;
- fast delivery to any settlement of Ukraine;
- the high quality of the products sold;
- payment for the goods in any convenient way.
Create a business diary to remember all the important events of his life. Make an order in the online store Paley" right now, from the comfort of home and get free shipping in the locality where the service or post office.